About US

The European Council of Young farmers
The European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA) is a European not-for-profit non-governmental organization representing European young farmers. It works as a platform for young farmers to discuss, debate and influence policy issues affecting rural youth at European, national and local level.
Hof und Leben (HuL) from Germany
Hof und Leben GmbH (HUL) is a German consultancy company, providing business consulting services to agricultural-based family enterprises. Main fields are strategic decision taking, equity management, financing. All kinds of production are included: crop cultivation, animal husbandry, production and processing of biomass for food and feed as well as for energetic or industrial purposes.
On Projects Advising SL (OnP) from Spain
On Projects Advising (OnP) is project managing consulting enterprise. Its main focus is advising enterprises, associations, public bodies and other entities in managing, monitoring and evaluating public funded projects, especially on VET in rural areas and Agriculture/Rural development domains.
Folkuniversitetet (FU) from Sweden
Folkuniversitetet is an adult educational association that offers a wide range of adult education all over Sweden. It is an association of five foundations: the university extensions attached to the Universities of Stockholm, Uppsala, Göteborg, Lund and Umeå. It provides a broad open educational program in a variety of subjects and it runs upper secondary schools, schools in higher vocational education, courses for seniors and training, labour market education and further education and training for working life.
Agricoltura è Vita (AèV) from Italy
Agricoltura è Vita Associazione, promoted by the Italia Confederation of Farmers (Cia), is a Vocational Training Centre. The Association, with its headquarters in Rome, is present all over the Italian national territory by means of associate structures and operates in the field of training, popularization and research in the agricultural world. Main statutory scopes of the Association are: to promote and stimulate the social-cultural and civic development and training, at any level, of all the citizens, and more specifically farmers, in many economic and social sectors (agriculture, food industry, administrative and advanced services).
The Association of Private Farming of Czech Republic (APF_CR) from Czech Republic
The Association of Private Farming of Czech Republic (Asociace soukromého zemědělství České republiky, APF CR) is a voluntary professional organization of private farmers in Czech Republic. All activities are based on respecting old peasant traditions and the conviction of the perspective family farms being the foundation of the modern European agriculture and lively countryside. The main focus of APF CR is the defense of the economic, social and professional intents of the Czech private farmers in Czech Republic and abroad.
Union de agricultores y ganaderos - jovenes agricultores de Jaén (COAG) from Spain
COAG-Jaén is a professional farming organisation which operates in the Jaén province, in Andalusia. It provides a wide range of services from the defense of farmers interests to training, information and technical advising, R+D, dissemination of technical improvements. COAG also acts as representative of the farmers voice with policy makers at National, Regional and Local level.